Resources / Credit Card InterchangeTips to Reduce Chargebacks - Educational VideoCredit Card Interchange - Educational VideoFraud Prevention - Educational VideoPCI DSS - Educational VideoMerchant Login Links - View a list of login links to help find your way to our products.Merchant FAQ's - View Frequency Asked Question about credit card processing.Merchant Chargeback Tips - View a list of Chargeback, Retrieval and Fraud Tips.Library of Resources - Here you can find a list of Visa and MasterCard resources, link and PDFsGlossary of Terms - Here you can view a list of credit card processing terms.
Educational Video
Interchange is the fee that we pay every time we process a credit card or debit transaction. It's a cost of doing business usually around two percent of the transaction price. Periodically during the year, Visa and MasterCard evaluate their processes, regulations and fees and announce rate changes and new fees. And although the card companies set interchange rates, there are steps we can take to avoid paying more than what's absolutely necessary.

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